KONOFUKU” brings happiness.

 The owl “KONOFUKU” brings you good luck. It changes colors and scenes according to various emotions. Choose your healing color!

The trees that are Welcome to the world of Morin!

The droplets of water coming out of her nose are her “moisture barometer,” and without this moisture, she loses her energy.
The Fuzzy Tree Head Purification System soothes everyone who is tired.
The “air” from the sprouting “air” injects everyone with a “happy” of the heart.

Pointing Toys Leading to Happiness.

幸せへ導くゆびさし案内人コレクション! 大好物はマヨネーズ!だから、体もマヨネーズで出来ています。とってもキュートなpointing toyです。
Pointing Toy Series. This series brings together some very cute characters! By all means, collect TOYs of your choice!
Pointing Toy Series. This series brings together some very cute characters! By all means, collect TOYs of your choice!

Angry bee is just trying to be strong.

angry beeは身体が小さいので自分を守るために防衛感情が表情に現れています。もちろん、心はとても優しくて仲間思いです。それと、とってもお洒落です。
He always seems to be angry, but he is a gentle ANGRY BEE at heart.
In fact, he may be just being strong.
I’ll move my colorful head around.